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korey  ·  3083 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hard truth about race on campus

This article is such bullshit.

Arguing that increased consciousness of racial disparity undermines the goal of equality makes little sense, as though we'll somehow creep up on improved racial relations by encouraging ignorance and complacency instead of educating people on the histories of racial minorities.

    On a campus, this means that increasing the number of black students and professors could, in theory, improve race relations, but such benefits are unlikely when accompanied by microaggression training and other measures that magnify racial consciousness and conflict.

...so, the solution is integration with an emphasis on turning a blind eye to 'racial consciousness and conflict'? God forbid people be aware of the very real racial disparities that people face every day in this country, the so-called 'racial consciousness and conflict' that is tangible in the daily lives of many. Because it makes you uncomfortable that people may become more aware of the ways in which they are systematically oppressed? Because you think it will lead to aggression--but not the kind you are used to, i.e. the kind that enforces the agendas of these 'elite' institutions--but rather the aggression of racial minorities, who, ideally , wouldn't be educated enough to challenge their agendas anyway?

fuck. off.