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Devac  ·  3066 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When humour games aren't funny

Well, we might come from different paths here. In my, admittedly short, experience with RPGs it's rather hard and to pull off would need both recognizable and relateable premise while making it capable of twisting reasonable input into absurd (but fitting the setting rules) consequence. Feels much less doable straight from the get-go and fairly possible as something emergent in the setting. Paranoia seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

But in the end, it's about what person in question finds as humorous. Probably the most subjective aspect of personality there could be all things considered. I was not intending to crush your spirit or discourage, but that was my feeling of the situation.

As of lack of questions etc: noted. Sorry, that was not about forcing you to respond but I do prefer dialogue over stating opinion to hang there. Could you give me some tips on making a good points for you to purchase and go on from something, or are you not interested? That's not a judgement, I'm just wondering if there's a way to enable it if you think that's a good idea from your end.