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ButterflyEffect · 3159 days ago · link · · parent · post: Deadliest mass shooting in US history kills 50 in Orlando gay bar
The Hill: The New York Times: How much more due process do you want to see. Also, I'm just going to quote this again for you:The FBI confirmed on Sunday it had interviewed the suspect in the Orlando, Fla., nightclub attack three times before the shooting took place early Sunday morning.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Mr. Mateen had legally bought both weapons used in the attack, a handgun and a long gun, in Florida within the last week.
But the only way we're gonna do that is if we don't have a situation in which anything that is proposed is viewed as some tyrannical destruction of the Second Amendment. And that's how, too often, the issue gets framed.