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Deltron_0  ·  3036 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Brexit looks likely.

technology progresses with adequate infrastructure. That is a key step. It is not the only step, but it is a huge one...

Where has technology taken us with the U.S. constitution?

Free speech; is this not technology in the forms of social framework?

Building upon the foundations of nation prior. We ( by we I mean them), ought to read a history book, or drop some acid and go to India or something because the picture is clear to some, and completely blurry to a number of others. I think the dizzying effect is messing with our heads.

Market economics, in the purest form and the pursuit of wealth to ensure the building blocks for life - I argue, is the best functioning form of governance on a large scale. It doesn't matter what your beliefs, your sex, race, or anything else are. Mankind (though it is beginning to truly push these boundaries) is enslaved to the laws of physics, and nature.

It isn't perfect, especially when greedy bastards are not grounded on moral codes. That is why you have a bigger stick,

and/or you wall up your own nest, as nature evidences.

But the progression of technology has given cause to evolve the notion of freedom - look at this thread for example: we are freely exchanges thoughts and ideas - and we are all living across the globe, by our own systems of rules.

Cryptocurrencies effectively negate central governing bodies and their involvement in financial transactions. Technology - in the progression of solar - wind - renewable energy - is toppling the heavily 'corrupted' industries surrounding the older means of acquiring energy. And MUCH of the basic 'needs' (utilities, and infrastructure to promote less "primitive" means of sustenance) that were provided through the taxes of central governing bodies. These vested interests now... who, now I am seemingly advocating as the devil, are looking out for their own best interest - like (almost) any person would naturally do after 3 days without water or food (those tibetan monks though are incredible to study). They're just full of their own kool aid. A storm is coming.

Technology, for lack of a better understanding, IS the new union right now. The innovation of the tech I evidenced has far outpaced the scale and central governing bodies behind them...

Greed is the problem behind regional unions. The idea is great, but in reality it is just devolves into a beaurocratic nightmare, and the snowball starts at every turn where real wealth acts in their own best interest.

The most appalling types of people in the world today are the ones who preach union, conformity, 'sacrificing your own values to help others', etc. while eating from a silver spoon and living a life that is above the subjects they 'advocate.' That is the truth in the status quo, and soon, there will be a new one that will present itself... one who didn't buy into the game Nixon enacted. You want some real financial advice? The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not dumb enough to think their finite source of incredible wealth is worth hedging on the survival of a fiat currency.

See ya'll in a week.