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Isherwood  ·  3034 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 29, 2016

We're using Conflunce now and people are peeling away, first because it came fragmented, second because the first exodus left it outdated, and third because Google Sites were available and easier to create and edit. Core documentation is organized in a folder structure on drive but the bureaucracy around that removes the agency of individual contributors and leaves them feeling like their actions have no reactions and so they give up.

I'm looking for a CMS that follows CCMS standards, preferably DITA but with the ability to export to SCORM, so that we can implement a modular version of NPRs COPE model of content creation and publishing. All of that needs to be wrapped in a nice user interface, similar to a squarespace, that would allow individual teams to use the components to create team portals that presents only the information that team requires.

Of course I can and am making something work because, like I said, that's my job but I also choose to believe there's a better way and, like I said, I don't think I've found it yet.

Which is why I asked the question "how do I present an idea in a way that results in forward movement?"