Anecdotes don't really mean anything, but Kansas solidly went to Sanders in our caucus while Missouri eked out a Hillary win. I can think of three Sanders supporters that I've talked to about where they are going after the convention. On party affiliation: - One was a Green party member before the primary season and is planning on going back to them. - Two were Independents who registered as Democrats for the primary season and are planning on going back to being Independents. On presidential candidates: - The Green party person is planning on voting for Stein. - One Independent is trying to decide between Johnson and Stein - One Independent is planning on voting for Johnson, but would be open to Trump if he came out in support of electoral reform. BONUS ANECDOTE I've met way more Trump supporters at work than anything else. A distant second is Bernie, and I've yet to hear anyone support Hillary. Some of the Trump supporters have been paying their union dues for longer than I have been alive. My social circle is kinda weird, though.