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ThurberMingus  ·  2931 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The True Costs of Driving - Drivers aren't covering what they’re using

    The problem with the subsidies currently propping up driving is that they’re often hidden: If they were made more explicit, policymakers would likely rearrange their priorities.

That quote works with anything though:

    The problem with the subsidies currently propping up fossil fuels is that they’re often hidden: If they were made more explicit, policymakers would likely rearrange their priorities.

    The problem with the subsidies currently propping up renewable energy is that they’re often hidden: If they were made more explicit, policymakers would likely rearrange their priorities.

    The problem with the subsidies currently propping up public transportation is that they’re often hidden: If they were made more explicit, policymakers would likely rearrange their priorities.

Did you know the US subsidizes both fossil fuels and renewable energy? And both public and private transportation?

Hardcore libertarians often think all subsidies are bad. That anything supported by subsidies should be cut off and let dwindle or die.

But everyone else acknowledges subsidies are a valuable tool. And we know they are usually blunt tools, with unexpected side effects. And we know politicians of all parties will use them where they can.

So if we task a step back, will notice the public and private transportation subsidies don't cancel each other out, and the fossil and renewable subsidies don't cancel either. Instead, were subsidizing nearly all energy production, and most transportation.

Of course there are arguments to be made about how, and how much, and who gets more. But I think energy and transportation are some of the best things to subsidize.