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user-inactivated · 3056 days ago · link · · parent · post: "If the consequence of standing against Trump and for principles is indeed the election of Hillary Clinton, so be it." GLENN FUCKING BECK
Hmm. I dunno if I'd say that, if only because people can easily claim Trump wasn't a good politician, a true Repiblican, or anything else they can to dismiss him as a blip on the radar. I have two Republican friends that are voting for Trump begrudgingly only because they don't want Hillary have a supreme court choice. I have another Republican friend who is voting for Hillary just because they don't like Trump. I think all three will find any Republican nominee four years from now a breath of fresh air compared to Trump and will vote for them readily and willingly. I think this can probably be said for a lot of Republicans.... jesus christ. are we actually seeing the crumbling of the GOP? I don't think I believe it.