(1) they're basically proposing to reinvent the Moller Skycar in the next nine years, which has been in development since 1985 without so much as breaking ground effect. (2) they're expecting to do it electrically, which underperforms the shit out of internal combustion. "But batteries are getting more efficient!" yeah. You make them more efficient by winding them tighter, which turns them into Galaxy Note 7s. There's a reason we're now drearily used to "batteries catch fire" stories whereas before it just wasn't a thing. (3) they're acting as if the FAA is just going to let them. This is the organization that decided it needed to rule on drones and Uber thinks it can skate on tilt-rotors. Which the President isn't even allowed in they're so dangerous. This isn't a bold business plan, this is Travis Kalanik pulling shit out of his ass and smearing it on a press release.