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Would me moving to the coasts change anything? It would make Washington or New York a little bluer and Wisconsin a little redder. The "benighted hicks" would still be here, and they'd still be voting the same way.

My life is pretty comfortable here. I have two different local coffee shops on the way to work, and there's a Starbucks when the occasion calls for it (e.g. Thanksgiving Day). The cost of living is pretty low, and if I go straight to work (and not detour for coffee) I go through one stop light and six stop signs. I'm not union, and while voted against Walker twice his actions haven't really hurt me. Realistically, I'm probably personally better off under Walker and the Republican houses.

    Is it Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Chair of the DNC from 2011 until the Bernie Bros got pissed? Donna Brazile? She who leaked that maybe somebody from Flint might ask about water at the debates? Terry McCauliffe, who sank Howard Dean?

Here's what I've idly been trying to figure out since the election: if I wanted to be involved in picking the chair or party platforms or anything, how would I do that? Can I? Wikipedia says Debbie Wasswerman Schultz was picked by Obama. Is that that, or are more people involved? Are individuals? I genuinely don't know. Should I be going to one of these meetings?

    shadowy cabal

    You think those fuckers saw Obama coming?

I'm not picturing a group of people sitting in offices rubbing their hands together and dictating how things are going to be next. That would actually be a relief. Instead I'm picturing the opposite: people not really sure what to do next, throwing something at the wall and looking around a conference room of blank faces, nobody sure if it's a good or bad idea or even how to evaluate if it's a good idea.