Hey Pubs. Seems like the trusty Old Fashioned is my drink for the apocalypse, so pour me one and keep em coming for the next four years... I'm fat and tired of it. So I bought an exercise bike on Amazon with a built-in laptop/tablet table so I can watch movies and get distracted and pedal until I die. Or get thin. One or the other. The wife and I got bug-out bags, stocked them up, and hid them outside in our back yard. That way, if the Zombies, republicans, tsumanis, or earthquakes come for us and flatten our home, we will still be able to get to our bags out in the yard. Leaving the country for the holidays. Going out to the ocean and gonna watch mother nature do the northern Pacific coast storm thing, and huddle under warm blankets with the wife and dog. Battening down the hatches, literally and figuratively. Deleted Facebook from my phone, and am not going to use it at work. Only gonna post original content, and will stop reading my feed entirely, beginning today. (The wife will keep me up to date on any events I need to attend.) Met with my editor last night. She is pushing me to get back to work and finish my erotica series, and had some good ideas for my scifi book and my zombie apocalypse story. Meeting with her really got my writing juices flowing again, and I think I finally know what I need to do to get these projects rolling again.