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goobster  ·  2871 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: DEA pays TSA employees to spy

This has nothing to do with the media. At issue here is a spy agency hiring people behind their employers back, to do things that are strictly forbidden in their employment contracts, and specifically forbidden by the Constitution.

A FedEx employee cannot open a package and survey the contents, then button it back up, and ship it on to its destination. However this is exactly what the DEA did, compromising the company, the employee, and illegally gathering information on people who were not under investigation.

The law is pretty straight forward and simple on this subject: You are innocent until proven guilty, and the legal forces cannot just pick you out at random and investigate you to see if you have done anything wrong. That's just Privacy 101 in our democracy. The police "must have Probable Cause" to begin investigating anyone for anything. They can't just rifle around in your stuff until they find something suspicious and then investigate you for it.

And the "if you don't have anything to hide" school of logic is easily refuted with grade school-level logic. Don't make me school you like a 5th grader.