- We're all moved and settled in to the new place: living in a building that has ADA floor plans is amazing for lugging bicycles about. My inlaws bought us a washer and drier, which was super nice of them. - In light of the fact that this place is 2x as big as the one we came from, I'm pretty sure I can squeeze in a hammock-stand (looking at a turtle dog design) in here somewhere. I've thrown together the plans I'm going off of in blender to get a rough idea of the space I need, now I just need to see which room it'll fit in to. I'm waffling between buying a cheap hammock from the local hiking store, or trying to sew up my own. I know I could do a simple one sewing my own, but if I try it I'd probably want to add in a bugnet too since there is a free walk-in public use area with in biking distance of here. - I'm learning to juggle!