Why is this so hard to understand? Yelling at the guy accomplishes nothing, and actually hurts your cause, because he gets to walk away the "winner", for keeping his cool in the face of what was basically a riot. The guy completely leveled the playing field. He asked questions from random people in the crowd, not a select few plants. He gave them the opportunity to ask followup questions if they were not satisfied with his response. He showed up, in person, and answered questions live for an hour and a half. There were multiple media outlets there videoing the entire event. You couldn't have asked for a better set up to take down one of the leading moron Republicans in the party. Any minimally-informed voter could have absolutely shredded Chaffetz on basically ANYTHING. The guy is a mental midget. All they needed to do, for example, is let the "woman in red" speak (who asked the pointed questions about Trump's tax returns), and Chaffetz would have had to defend his indefensible position. There would be video of him either incriminating himself, outright lying, or calling out Trump. On video. To be shared globally. Instead, the crowd starts shouting again, drowning out the followup question, and his answer, so he gets off scot-free with a mealymouthed bit of wishy-washyness. Again. Yelling at these shitwits is not the winning strategy, and will always lead to the Republicans looking composed and professional, and their detractors looking like frothing loons.