This right here is the gold: If people respect themselves and their skills, then they get their work from people who respect them and their skills. If you are looking for work on Craigslist, you hate yourself. Period. The signal-to-noise ratio there is so bad that the few actual market-rate paying gigs you find on there, are offset by the amount of time you waste reading bullshit posts. I was a freelance writer for 10 years. I'll write a blog post for $100. Can you get someone to write it for $5? Sure. And you will get exactly what you pay for. My clients know my work, know my value, and they pay my rates. Nobody asks me to write for free. Ya know why? Because I don't. I get paid. Every single time. Because I respect myself and my work. And if you don't respect me and my work, I don't write for you. Period. Why the fuck are you looking for work on _____.