viro, "man" --> virino, "woman" That, right there, is really weird. A mother is not merely a feminine variant of a father: there are very distinct functions applied to a mother, like giving birth and feeding children with her milk, that a father can't do (barring extraordinary circumstances). It's fitting in male gay couples where one is more masculine and another is more feminine, but I don't see that kind of vocabulary working for me. Rapida (fast) --> malrapida (slow) Same goes for this one. I feel like that grammar sacrifices essential distinctions for simplicity. "Small" is not lacking in bigness. Again, I can see that grammatical form working when expectations haven't been met ("it's not-big-enough; it's too small"). "Universal" doesn't mean "so simple as to forego basic logic". Forgive my ranting. I've spent the last two days trying to rest, to no avail.patro, "father" --> patrino, "mother"
Granda (big) --> malgranda (small)