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kleinbl00  ·  2911 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Will send diverse set of stickers & Hubski magnets for poems

I'm swimming in stickers and magnets and stuff and don't feel like whipping out some snide limerick but I got a thing in the mail from rd95 and I'm feeling creative so what the hell.

That's an insulator. They're made out of glass, they used to go on power poles, and they're collected by old people. I am not yet an old people (despite my best efforts to the contrary and i do not wish to collect electrical insulators but this thing is a pretty blue. And, following a hunch,

Well, that's intriguing.

Obviously a tea light would fit just fine but I've discovered that scented candles make me happy and scented tea lights are dumb. The way things are, that sucker would totally hold tapers, too, but I give two shits about tapers. So I need something to keep the votive from gooshing all over the threads...

Thanks, Ikea.

Make it fit.

Of course, it'll still fill up with wax in a truly annoying way unless I... hey, what's that over there?

Stay on target, red leader. Right tools for the right job. How 'bout

...I think that's fabric glue. Where's the craft box -


Okay, we need that to warm up so let's get out our jury-rig wire...

Getting there. Nice'n'mongrel-lookin'. Now, can we tweak that on in such a way that it's nice and up-cycly?

Fuck yeah Etsy Be Proud. Now where's that burly-ass monofilament...

...actually, hang on a sec.

THAAAAAAT'S why you kept the leather from the terrarium. Mkkay, tweak those eyelets out with a screwdriver...

Poifect. Hey, I'll bet the hot glue is hot now. Can you uglify this something fierce so it's got that heinous craft authenticity?

mmmm. smells like amateurishness.

Hey I wonder if there's still a swag hook in the ceiling from when we moved out in 2009?

Well allrighty then.