That's me. Thanks! One thing I did want to mention... (well ok actually there were several so I'm just sticking to the #1 important one) I've now submitted to Lit Cat twice. One rejection, one acceptance - but I never received an email for either. Legit found out my poem was accepted by getting the "hey contributed we're gone live!" Email yesterday. Maybe it's my email filter but I did kind of feel you might want to know - all I use is gmail, no hyper security features. Since it's happened now twice, could be there's a blarb or snurf on your submission manager's end if it's not my email. You're gonna know way better than I do but hey - figured I'd say something so you can check in case there is a problem, instead of sit tight and say nothing. PPS but my poems title is supposed to be in all caps tho (as it was stylized when sent thru to your group!)! /whine Thanks tho, I submitted to this because you're a hubskier, Cool to support folks I know when I can.