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tacocat  ·  2769 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 2, 2017

I don't remember the last time I checked in. What was going on. I was in a sober living program for a month. It was incredibly heavy on AA. Which I've gone back to thinking is awful cultish folk medicine and anyone helped by it is helped in spite of it, not due to any therapeutic value it possesses. I might get back to that opinion or save it for its own post.

I got in a monstrous blow out with my girlfriend. And the thought of going back to sober living, which was full of fucking meatheads who would have called me a pussy whipped fag if they I told them I was upset about a woman, was worse than moving into the YMCA. Me and my girlfriend made up pretty quickly and she told me I could move in with her.

And when her ex husband found out I was near their daughter, he went apeshit and refused to let her see her daughter. He's been stalking my social media for a while and said he doesn't trust me because I wrote about my depression in a Medium article he found that I wrote. Despite him threatening suicide if my girlfriend doesn't remarry him.

I thought I'd contact him in the most respectful way I could. That he'd respect the fact that I reached out and put aside my ill will. Nope. He wants to murder me now. Well still is probably more accurate.

I pissed my girlfriend off so much she wanted to break up with me. Which she didn’t do but now we have to bend over backwards to placate this homicidal psychopath.

So fucked up. And there's other details I didn't mention. I guess this is what happens when you get in a relationship with a divorcee who's ex is abusive.

I don't know....