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blackbootz  ·  2673 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 27, 2017

I delivered a speech in my 100-level public speech class. I bombed.

I knew that I had an aversion to public speechmaking, but I didn't know the physiological extent. My heart starts jackhammering even when I raise my hand in a large class. Today I straight up blanked right at the start and I'm sure it was awful. The class was gracious about feedback but it was so humbling. Public speaking is a more recent fear (last five years) that I attribute to growing up more and realizing how many ways public performance can go wrong. I don't want to 1) bore people but I also don't want to 2) take up too much conversational space. And now I just cannot be relaxed while talking to groups larger than ten people. So nothing comes off naturally and I can't remember why what it is I'm talking about is interesting to begin with.

Any thoughts or advice? I'll definitely try more practicing.