Except resources, federal land, weapon, food, and aid to other countries, manpower, technology, etc. to businesses and other nations all the time. CTRL-F-"Taxes" Results=0 I mean, I kind of agree with you there, but we could have gotten to this point without the hyperbole. The fact of that matter is though, the government both writes the tax laws and collects taxes. They literally have the power to prevent this shit. They could at least try to do something to put a stop to these shenanigans, instead of allowing loopholes so big you can fit the GDP of a micro-nation through them.The government doesn't make anything. It doesn't produce a product.
It doesn't sell anything.
Wanna know why EVERY SINGLE news story and conversation about government legislation is about taxes?
So if they can keep you focused over here on this little tiny corner called "taxes", they don't have to actually deal with the real problems we face, that need real solutions.