I don't agree. Every complaint you have about guns, every regulation you want to put in place, and your reasons for them, can also be applied to cars. Or planes. Or public pools. Or ladders. Remember, the law can't do anything about mass shootings. Law is something that is applied after the fact. Even if you could find a way to instantly ban all guns, criminals would still have guns. This is true in every country in the world. Gun deaths are the symptom. They are not the problem that needs to be solved. Those people are dead at the hands of an angry white man, and they are not coming back. Preventing the next angry white man from expressing his frustration/insanity with a gun, is the ACTUAL PROBLEM that needs to be addressed. Angry white men use guns, C4, fertilizer, home-made bombs, vehicles, and anything else they can find to express their anger. Guns are just easy to point at because they are scary. But it is the person holding the gun with rage in their heart, that is the actual problem we need to focus on. Otherwise they'll just move on to the next tool in the garage.