It's been a while since I've pubski'd or contributed at all. Lurking is my life. Work is garbage. Keifer knows - the entire company is behind big time, and peak season has just begun. If you haven't made your orders for Christmas already, you should get on that ASAP. Also, you should pray to whatever deity you prefer that things make it intact. There are ~17 days left before things will definitely be late for December 25th. The hours are awesome and the money is fantastic but the physical abuse is already taking its toll. 11 years in the industry have numbed me to most of the mind games from local upper management, so I guess that's a plus? I've been playing a lot of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 in my off time. Mostly 3 recently. I put so many hours into it back when it first released, and I am reminded now how good it was. The environment is so engaging compared to New Vegas, in my opinion. There have been some situations I can feel my heart rate rising, and I find myself actually a little afraid as to what will happen. The game has aged so well and I'm so glad to be able to enjoy it all over again. I've been half-assed knitting a hat for a coworker. It'll get done eventually, but when I get done with the work shitstorm, I don't feel like doing much anymore besides binge watching things or just idly dicking around on the internet. I might get it done by Christmas. I do thrive on the pressure of deadlines, so that might just be it.