That already exists, and I already use it! It's a Dutch startup. I can browse the latest Dutch newspapers and magazines and pay per article or per issue with as little friction as possible. They've been adding US media, too: I can pay per article for every one you mention as well as Mother Jones, Fast Company, The Economist, Bloomberg, Vanity Fair and Newsweek. What I find fascinating is that they're adding lots of innovations exactly where news media failed to innovate. For example, if the article sucked you can always get your money back. They introduced a subscription service, whereby I pay €10 and get around 15 machine-learning-picked articles per day from all sort of different newspapers and magazines. They intentionally put articles that you might not like in your feed. They add their own clickbait-ish titles (it could be worse) because it really does get more people to read more articles. And they recently added an Instagram-Stories like feature, where it groups articles so that you can easily can catch up on a topic or a newspaper that you like. I kinda love it, even though I wish there would be more high-brow publications in there. I would never take a subscription to 90% of the media I read with Blendle. Now I get to enjoy 450 articles a month that I would otherwise never read, articles can get more exposure and reach more audiences, and media companies get additional revenue they otherwise would miss. Win-win-win.