I think the only ethical conclusion one can reach with regards to animal suffering is to adopt vegetarianism. Yet, despite maybe one or two weeks over my entire life, I have never consciously adopted the lifestyle. I think it comes down to laziness and an apathy about the negligible impact on the demand for meat or fish any individual has. I don't even want to expound that line of thinking, since it's probably familiar to all of you and a shameless exercise in rationalization. I recall several days I spent at a Buddhist retreat. An unforeseen feature of the trip was that I would partake in vegan meals (... Duh. Unforeseen to everyone but me). I thought it would be difficult. But since there was a community of people supporting one another as well as sharing the labor of meal preparation, it wound up working wonderfully. I think it was the longest I'd ever gone without eating meat (pretty crazy when I think about it). Does that mean you're a vegetarian, mk?