Hey Pubs. Just a water for me, barkeep... I'm still not remembering to drink enough water every day. Keto. I can deny it no longer... I have actually lost more than 20 pounds now. That means that - for the first time in my life - I weigh less than I did before. From a skinny 175lbs in 1987, to 269lbs at Christmas 2017, I have always gotten heavier. Amortized over time, that's only about 3lbs/year, but of course the weight did not gracefully grow over time. It grew rapidly, then leveled out for a few years at the "new normal" weight, until something happened and it went up again. For the first time in my life, my weight is going the other direction. I had to put several pairs of pants into storage. (Note: I wanted to get rid of them. But my wife insisted we keep them until we know whether I am going to keep the weight off or not.) I am maybe 2 months away from departing the land of XL, and purchasing L shirts... for the first time since the 1990's. I feel better. I don't "crash" at 2:PM every day. I no longer eat two antacid tablets every night. I don't fart prolifically anymore. My diet has changed significantly, and I now strongly identify with Michael Pollan's quip, "Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much." I haven't started working out or stretching regularly. Which I planned to do Feb 1. Not sure why I haven't started, but I need to get on that. The road to "Fit and 50" is looking pretty good right now. Food Perspective. Mushroom hunters talk about "putting on their mushroom eyes" when they go mushroom hunting. You go out to where the mushrooms should be, and you see nothing. Damn. Wrong place? Was someone already here? Am I at the wrong elevation? Then they just go calm and stop moving for a few minutes. Scan the landscape. Be still. POP! Oh! There's one! ... and another!... oh! there's another one!... woah... they are EVERYWHERE! Holy crap I am STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF SO MANY MUSHROOMS!! With my new diet, which generally avoids most carbs and sugars, I have my "Carb Eyes" on. Vending machine? Nothing in there edible. Coffee shop? Nothing in there either, except black drip coffee, espresso shot, or an almond-milk latte. Restaurant? Side dishes start to look REALLY tasty... and main courses look heavy and unpleasant. "Can I just get these two sides, and a steak?" And now, I will post this message, and walk out into the lobby where my company is providing everyone with ... Valentine's Cupcakes. And I am going to enjoy the shit out one of those carbo-sugar bombs. Because carbo-sugar bombs are AMAZING treats. But that's what they should be: Treats. Not Food.