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lil  ·  4511 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Flag for Grammer

1. I'm grateful to anyone who reads my posts. If they actually reply in some way positive or negative, I'm triply grateful. 2. And how many are very fond -- perhaps even addicted -- to the illusion of genuine human connection provided by our computers? So fond perhaps that we write late into the night, our contact lens so foggy that your, you're and yr all look the same to our burning eyes? 3. Having said that, good writing is easier to read than bad writing, easier on the tired eyes. 4. The more perfect the form, the more clear and precise the content. The two are linked. With the imperfect medium of the written word, it is easy to misunderstand one another. 5. Nonetheless, not everyone is concerned with or necessarily able to express a perfectly formed message.

Bottom Line: newgreen's bottom line is a good one. I'd add this: If you are grateful for corrections thank the corrector. if you resent corrections, ignore the corrector. That person is likely not your target audience anyway.

(note: b_b I assume you deliberately missed one of JakobVirgil's deliberate typos.)