Have you read the full text of the Damore memo? Have you read the full text of Boghossian et. al's work? Listened to their explanations of their methodology and the feedback they received from academics in positions of authority? I am a full and complete advocate for the development and advancement of 'soft' sciences. Anthropology made me completely reconsider the way that I approach healthcare, medicine and research. Part of the maturation of the field is the critical analysis of the methods by which research is conducted, reviewed and published. The fact that Boghossian and company were able to pull this off, regardless of either their ideological slant or the slant of the people they were submitting papers to, is an indictment of the whole process by which these things get approved and published. I'm not anti-social justice. I'm not against the study of the many different factors that delineate human diversity. I am firmly against the idea that ideology should be put above the honest collection and analysis of data. I am firmly against censorship. A thing or idea is not good or valuable just because it is status quo. Improvements can always be made. And these things have real world consequence because lawmakers and administrators are taking the conclusions of this branch of academia seriously. If that is the case then it behooves us to make sure that those conclusions are driven by the way the world actually is, not the way a few radicals decide it should be. Pizza isn't a vegetable no matter how many times the government says it is. But sure, dismiss this massively important moment of possible growth and change as bigoted. Let's keep things going exactly the way that they are, seems to be working well so far.