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kleinbl00 · 2238 days ago · link · · parent · post: It's been too long! Book thread time. What have you been reading?
Three events of cataclysmic import happened: 1) I decided to burn through my Audible backlist, which means I haven't added anything lately 2) I discovered that I can check-out audiobooks from my library more easily than buying them on Audible 3) I did not turn on my account history at said-same library ...which means I really have no idea how many books I've burned through since June. Figure between 1 and 2 a week. Honestly. Highlights I can remember: - Lords of Finance - The Goblin Emperor - Collapse - The Life and Death of Great American Cities - Evicted - A Generation of Sociopaths - The Square and the Tower - A Deepness In The Sky - Hell's Angels Currently reading Bad Blood which is pretty great in an unfiltered hatorade sort of way.