Yogurt I put yogurt in pancakes/waffles, muffins, granola, smoothies etc. Plain, no fat yogurt. The kind I like can be $6 or more for a 750 ml tub, so I recently started making my own again. Two things brought this on: 1) we bought an electric blanket to warm up the bed before crashing for the night. 2) after bone density scan last summer, docs recommended 1000 IU of Vitamin D daily and more dietary calcium. I used to use powdered skim milk very cheaply, but in my town now powdered milk costs about the same as bags of ready-to-use skim milk (about $1/litre). I just made three large jars of yogurt for about $2.50 in milk and a little time (mostly waiting for the milk to cool): Simple instructions: Buy a candy thermomenter. Heat milk up to "scalding" - 150F on my thermometer. Let it cool to 110F. Poor the milk into jars. Add 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt into each jar and stir well. Wrap the jars in the electric blanket. Set the blanket on high. Leave for 7 or 8 hours. Ta Da My electric blanket shuts itself off after three hours, so I had to check it a few times and make sure it was on. Aside from saving $15-$20, it's nice to have lots of yogurt available to put in the dishes mentioned above, it's delicious, and I made it. I'd love to do a photo-essay of the process, but I still can't seem to easily turn my phone pics into jpegs (tried imgur) that come up on hubski as pics instead of just links. Help welcome.