This is from 13 oct. 2017, I'm lazy to try to find older direct comments from him : I used the transcript from Youtube, here are some quotes from the video: So, my point stands. Doesn't make sense to create a narrative against him for pointing out something as if he changed his mind. He didn't. Do I still believe he lacks an understanding of crypto as a powerful tool to create new decentralized projects that will redefine how we use most services ? Yes. Can I blame him for launching a dollar-backed crypto-currency because it would contradict something he said in the past ? No, doesn't seem legitimate.The blockchain is a technology which is a good technology we actually use it it will be useful lot of different things god bless the blockchain. Crypto currencies and digital currencies I think are also fine you know JP more moves six trillion of dollars around the world every day we don't do it in cash it's done digitally. If we do it digitally with the blockchain so be it but it still be a dollar crypto currency. What I have an issue with is a non fiat crypto currency dollar so crypto sterling euro yen they're all fine
So there is a use case for Bitcoin if you live in Venezuela North Korea if you're a criminal great great product I mean that is better than cash or deposits in that country Cuba