Mornin' everyone! Beautiful weather today, huh? Spring is here, the birds are singing, and the Mariners and the A's just played the first regular season game of 2019! Life is good. I've been spending a bit too much time in the bar lately, gonna be cutting down on that to spend more time practicing guitar again (and sleeping). I'm in therapy now as well, so that's really good. My therapist is still technically in training, but he's almost finished, and he's being supervised by a super experienced therapist. Also, that means he's young and cool, which helps ;) I'm seriously noticing how much better I'm doing since I got back on my antidepressants about a month and a half ago. Fighting social anxiety, pushing myself to learn new things and meet new people. It's wonderful having this much energy to get through the day, even when there's nothing to do at work so I end up using it drinking coffee with friends or cleaning up the office! I think I could live like this for quite a while, and I think I'd like to. On the more difficult side, a friend is slipping into a very deep depression, and is resistant to help. He's slowly started to open up to some of us about what's going on, but remains stalwart in his hopelessness, and refusal to seek help. He had a bad experience with a therapist and didn't react well to his antidepressants (which he's now off of), so he's kind of given up. It's very hard to watch. Trying to spend more time with him, remind him he's loved, get some joy in his life, but there's only so much we can do. Hard times.