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goobster  ·  1952 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Let's have a book thread! What have you been reading?

Range: Why generalists triumph in a specialized world

This is an interesting dig into some new thoughts on education and learning, and how to improve your methods for learning new things.

Turns out repetition in sequence is bad: repetition interleaved with other unrelated activities (even other learning) has a massive demonstrable effect on long-term retention of the learned topic, as well as benefits across all aspects of your life.

This is kinda fascinating for me, who has had a 30 year career with no discernible arc or theme, and yet I have been able to slot in to almost any job or role, and quickly get up to speed and provide meaningful improvements, even in fields I am not trained in.

Fascinating book. Just came out, so hardback only, but it's worth it. (I'm about 1/2 way through.)