“Look, but she is gonna get—you know, I don’t want her stinkin’ Muslim crap in my country,” Roseanna said. “Sharia law,” Amy chimed in. Her iridescent CoverGirl highlighter glinted under the stadium lights. “Sharia law.” “That’s not America,” Roseanna said. “She is a Muslim through and through …She wants that all here.” She wondered aloud whether Omar had come to the U.S. illegally. (There is no evidence this is true.) "I'm not racist, but..." does not an effective argument make. "I won't join in the chant, but I don't want her stinkin' Muslim crap in my country." Didn't she just? I appreciate the shades of nuance between racism and nationalism and xenophobia. Does she? Does it matter? This is a constellation of worldviews that all draw their power from hate and fear. All of them can be weaponized, and all of them have. So what if calling this racism shuts down argument? Some arguments don't merit serious discussion.She then shared her thoughts on the chant’s target, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who came to America as a refugee from Somalia.