Bernie Sanders is 77. Trump is 73. Elizabeth Warren is 70. Quoth Politico: You see where this is going. The U.S. doesn’t have a Politburo, but if you calculate the median age of the president, the speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate, and the three Democrats leading in the presidential polls for 2020, the median age is … uh … 77. That said, the democratic power structures seem to be aligning (as of September 2019) around Warren. Ben Hunt over at Epsilon Theory gets super-salty over the "narrative" but the fact of the matter is, we endorse stories not facts and the Elizabeth Warren story is one that establishment democrats are happy with and non-establishment democrats seem willing to live with. They're starting to bring up her conservative upbringing and conservative early political history which is always a "look you can vote for her too" move.Remember the Soviet Politburo? In the waning years of the Cold War, a frequent criticism of the USSR was that its ruling body was preposterously old and out of touch. Every May Day these geezers would show up on a Moscow reviewing stand, looking stuffed, and fix their rheumy gaze on a procession of jackbooted Red Army troops, missiles and tanks. For Americans, the sight was always good for a horselaugh. In 1982, when Leonid Brezhnev, the last of that generation to hold power for any significant length of time, went to his reward, the median age of a Politburo member was 71. No wonder the Evil Empire was crumbling!