Okay, I have a few things to say and I didn't want to make 3 replies. A) The original tweet itself was not offensive or excessively demeaning in any way. B) This is an "emperor-has-no-clothes" type scenario where a person in "power" tells the truth and people go nuts because business is about stroking, both inside and outside. C) Silicon Valley tech culture and business culture is based on paranoia in general hence the arguing for PR agents. Young professionals who have no idea how the game is actually played are trying to impress people more than anything hence the dogmatic behavioural standards. Elon Musk is fucking insane and surprise he's expanding clout. The president is on Twitter. D) When the younger investors grow up they'll realize that the centre does not hold and the trick to adulthood is ngaf. E) My YouTube channel from when I was 12 is still active and it's funny as shit. You'll still be cringing about your posts from when you were a 29-year old, trust me on that one. F) Gen-X is not semi-old. They're PRIVATIZING EDUCATION.Founders, teachers, employees, students, they’re all real people with real lives, feelings and stories. They’re much more than 280 characters.