NOTLD is a masterpiece, and I agree wholeheartedly. I wouldn't say everything since has been terrible, but I certainly can't think of counterexamples. I feel like the concept is rich enough to explore more than NOTLD did, so I feel like someone must have done it...But maybe you're right. The Thing might be my favorite horror movie. The blood testing scene alone is such a fucking masterclass in tension building, and I've always loved the sound-design of the thing screaming when they get it outdoors. Poltergeist is great, too. I have a hard time crediting Texas Chainsaw Massacre's success to Tobe Hooper's genius because of everything that came after, but I know I love the movie for what it is (even if he never managed to replicate the same feeling). I felt like the set design and camera work kept things feeling grounded...And the fact that the production was such a fucking nightmare to work on! Adding Tetsuo The Iron Man, Screamers, and The Black Hole to my list! I haven't seen Orfanato or The Devil's Backbone either, so I'll slide around to them eventually. I'll PM you if I ever work through the recommendations I've already collected!