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user-inactivated · 1857 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hubski Craft Fair v0.0 - December 3, 2019 (WIP)
1. A) My garden, need to pull the weeds again. We've just moved in to the place and I planted things a month before we moved in but it's hard tending to two gardens so it fell by the wayside. - 1. B) Building a PC. Was about to replace my laptop for 1k but realize another 600 bucks and I could keep building as I want. Parts have started to arrive and I'm already fucking lost, but that's kind of the fun of it. - 2. I'm likely inheriting my grandfathers piano, so I'll get back into practicing with it. I did my grading as a youngster but haven't played properly in well over a decade. - 3. I really want to try that macrame stuff. Just looks cool and hopefully the construction side of it is therapeutic.