My boss has been doing a version of this along with a new circadian rhythm thing, and it's working for him. He is a HARD CORE data geek, pretty dang fit, and wants to just lose the last few pounds. The combination of fasting-plus-Circadian-thingie has allowed him to eat literally anything he wants, and as much of it as he wants (McDonald's, pizzas, etc.), and still lose 6 pounds over a 2-week period including the Thanksgiving holiday. He tracks HUNDREDS of metrics and has been "hypermiling" his body for years. This latest experiment is kinda blowing his mind, and shaking a lot of what he thought he knew. He's still got 6 more weeks of data to gather and then process, but from all early indications, the circadian/fasting thing is working in every metric, including productivity, sleep quality, and overall vitality. It's kinda nuts.