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am_Unition  ·  1783 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Consistency of the local Hubble constant with the cosmic microwave background

“Ok guys, so we did have to roll it to a 23-dimensional pseudo-hologram, in the end, but.. no no, wait, guys, no, WHERE ARE YOU GOING, GUYS??”

I’m such a spoiled brat of an experimentalist. For realsies, I don’t think experimentalism requires as much rigor and brilliance as theoretical work does. And yet I see the experiment side more often employed and in demand, I think. It’s most clear to me in my own field (as it should be), but it seems to generally be the case across most fields of physics. Still working on a better explanation for that one than “No one wants to just pay people to sit around and think“. Edit: it may be much better to relate experimentalism to typically more marketable products and the private sector

It turns out, sometimes, I do wanna pay people to think, though. Maybe almost all the time. Articles like this one really make me wanna do that. But then yeah. Maybe some string theory is half-cooked spaghetto. String theory’s kinda the extreme case, though.

    “Happy birthday, son. Now that you’re 18, I can legally tell you that we’ve made only a wee bit of progress on cosmology over the last 50 years, what with 9-11 only 100 years ago and the A-Rabs still existing.”

    “So what, DAD, I always hated the stars, ‘cuz you NEVER TAKE US.”