Canceling doesn't go one way. Kathy Lee Grifwhatever (-ith? -in? don't care) got canceled for holding a decapitated Trumphead. Good! Don't do that. Louis C.K. is over. Or was over. Who knows, with multi-million business deals in the mix. I don't feel bad about joining dat horde who condemned people that beat their dick off in front of strangers, We just canceled Kanye in hubski chat a few hours ago. Examples like these go on forever. Q: Why are there two "L"s in "uncancelled" and only one in "canceled"? A: One was cancelled, because there is no consensus on the proper spelling. Congratulations, you just made it through the Worst Joke of the Day, hopefully without vomiting. It's still hilarious, to me, to pretend like the social justice warrior mob is the sole aggressor, like Stephen Miller, Ben Shapiro, or Diamond & Silk or whoever don't have a Twitter, like Donald Trump retweeting someone yelling "white power" is an accident, like the George Floyd-inspired, Kaepernick-continuing movement is unwarranted. HILARIOUS. It's almost like one side of the political spectrum is intrinsically more susceptible to attacks on their moral stances. ALMOST.