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kleinbl00  ·  1655 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 8, 2020

    See the thing is though that as fast as trans rights is moving, you aren't obligated to keep up with it or keep track until you want to participate in discussions about them.

And that is where you are wrong.

Those of us who operate businesses that explicitly cater to the trans community (three workshops in four years) will freely agree that the trans community is generally aware of their social fragility and appreciates being treated as human. The problem, however, is that those of us at the periphery of the trans community regularly encounter cisgendered culture warriors that believe "inclusivity" is a euphemism for internecine jihad against all others in order to claim the title of "woke."

It's never the people who claim the asterisk. It's the people who learned what the asterisk meant yesterday, and in order to atone for their previous shame they will now beat you over the head for not knowing before they did. It's the constant castigation of the community in practice for a community that is very much in theory to them. It's the woker-than-thou bingo played by privileged white people in order to feel better aligned with the angry dudgeon on their social media. It's the white Orange County trust fund kid with the MFA from USC telling you to check your privilege when you link to the Bureau of Indian Affairs without apologizing for Wikipedia's title.

THAT is what we're discussing here: not that the transgender community will ever "cancel" anyone but that the enlightened Karens of the world will make enemies rather than allies to show that they're one of the Good Germans.

I have an employee who is half Brazilian, half Japanese. She suffered ridiculous amounts of prejudice from a student who disregarded her and disrespected her to such a degree that when we went on vacation, the student decided she'd just go home. And there was a massive kerfuffle when we dismissed the student because the student is African American... so on the Wokeness Scale being taught at their institution, she has more purity points. A handful of straight white women in their 40s and 50s are literally teaching minority students that some minorities are more deserving of protection than others.

We have more minority hires than white people and it took six weeks of careful maneuvering to not be the racist birth center. THAT is the problem. All the other birth centers that explicitly do not hire minorities? They don't have to deal with this. And THAT is the problem.