I think this is absolutely key. If you could see how much profit any given company makes off of your own personal data, you could rationally decide whether that convenience was worth it to you. If Google had to say "the aggregate value of the information we have on you is worth $4 a month to us" I would say TAKE MY MONEY and leave my name off your lips. If on the other hand Google had to say "the aggregate value of the information we have on you is worth $30 a month to us" then we start having a value discussion. Really? knowing where I drive and the terms I search makes Google $30? But only makes Duck Duck Go $8? All of a sudden I give no fucks about how crappy DDG's search is, I'm saving a ton of money on my car insurance. These discussions are controversial because the actual value being discussed is a mystery. Clear up the mystery and the market will take care of the rest.I don’t want my personal information in a database, but if it means more efficient marketing so I don’t get buried in solicitations I would never consider, it might be a price worth paying.