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goobster  ·  1615 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sharing my misadventures in going off-grid (so far)

Alright. I'm in. Anyone that writes like that has my attention. :-)

Coupla questions:

1. The land. How big is your plot, and who owns it?

2. Blogger lets you edit the date of your posts (IIRC), and I'd suggest going ahead and just back-dating the first group, one day after the other. That way they will load in order properly, and give a clear reading order to newcomers.

3. You need an Intro Post. You need to set people up. Fortunately, you got some experience under you, so a "Hi! I'm Bubba, this is my wife Bubbette, and our dogs Bub, Bubby, and Bobo. We decided to live off-grid and never have a job again, and believe this is possible because X." is going to be way easier to write post-hoc than as the first post ever. And you need this because every single person who visits the blog from today on, will need that intro... even if they already knew you. Gotta bring em up to speed, dontchaknow.

Looking forward to more details about what you are building, and how! Keep us informed!

Now, it's my birthday, so I've decided to steal a B-17 and joyride it across the sky drawing huge penises over our local military bases.... or, "tuesday", as I like to call it. :-)