It's weird. This has been on my mind constantly for a whole day now. First: That I was unwittingly being the example of exactly the behavior I was lamenting. It's deeper than irony... and I dunno what the word is for it... somewhere between cognitive dissonance and irony... Second: That I intellectually know I am wrong. But I am still watching my brain do backflips to insert the Poxylypse Children into the Fury Road movie. My brain has stitched it in between the chase scene where all the different wastelander tribes are chasing Max and Furiosa through the storm, and meeting Furiosa's clan of motorcycle riding women. My brain has taken two VERY different-looking films, stitched in the scene of Max getting captured... and then that shot of him walking through the desert with the Jack-In-The-Box head over his head, hands tied together, falling down almost dead in the sand... and the Poxylypse Children picking him up, nursing him back to health, and getting him back out into the desert on a motorcycle to meet Furiosa's clan of badass women bikers. The brain is a weird thing. It does whatever it wants. :-)