Sure. I had a buddy who wanted a source of microQRs. "Because they looked cool." I pointed out that QR codes are data signifiers that link to something and that buying a stack of random QR codes to slap on his gear "because they look cool" isn't exactly the point. He gave no fucks. He was all about it. To the best of my knowledge there's six dozen things in his apartment that, from a digital standpoint, are PL mount Zeiss macro lenses owned by Burns & Sawyer. Let's put a blockchain on it If any of these non-lenses ever get scanned by a blockchain connected device, they show up as a Zeiss PL mount macro purchased by Burns & Sawyer in 2018 and currently on a job in West Covina. As they are not in West Covina, the connected device throws a flag on the play. Burns & Sawyer monitors its assets on the blockchain and pop one of them just came up. The lens that it thinks should be in West Covina is actually in Long Beach. They call the guy who rented the lens - "are you in Long Beach?" He says "nope, here's a picture of your lens along with the serial number" "kk thanx" and with that, Burns & Sawyer strikes out their entry for that PL mount lens, issues a new one and goes about their day. Meanwhile my buddy, who is an idiot, scans another thing in his house which is now no longer a Burns & Sawyer PL mount Zeiss but a KNOWN COUNTERFEIT ITEM. Burns & Sawyer no longer cares but Long Beach PD gets an alert that a lens reported as counterfeit has suddenly popped up. Where? At the geolocation of the scanner. No, this isn't a part of the blockchain but if it's my ERC-721 compliant blockchain, it sure as shit will be attached to it. We agree - blockchain is fraud proof. This does not make stuff that attaches to the blockchain fraud proof. But it makes fraud hella harder and it does so at effectively zero cost. The layers of verification on a scarf are going to be fewer than the layers of verification on a Birkin, which is fine and good and to be expected. But there's never been a way to verify a Birkin before. Ever. In the history of mankind. We've gone from a world where the Salvador Mundi is a Da Vinci because the Saudis really really really want it to be to one in which every time a rolex changes hands, the world has a record.