I meant to include a few sentences explaining just what I meant by the danger of getting hung up on labels. I couldn't quite figure where to include it in my missive, then I forgot about it. It's simplistic and incomplete to look at WWII from a current perspective and say something like, "Hitler disarmed the citizens and grew his governmental power -- just like Democrats want to do! And Hitler was a socialist! Fuck Democrats and their socialist Nazi agenda!" It's a ridiculous and sad misconception that Democrats are socialists. Equally so that Republicans favor small government, that Obama is a Muslim, and so forth. Those are all simplistic, inaccurate misconceptions -- lies spread by organizations whose best interests lie in getting you to consume their materials. Maybe those organizations are just selling the drama, or maybe they want you to feel and vote a certain way, or maybe part of their business plan includes significant income from benefactors who themselves have agendas that are unknown. Regardless, you can't trust them. The best any of us regular people can do is take in information from a variety of sources and assemble the truth from that. Blind men and the elephant, you know.