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goobster  ·  1440 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Cargill plans to revisit the Age of Sail for fuel efficiency

I love all the multi-mode power options being trialed by the shipping industry right now. This article does a surprisingly good job of surveying all of the different options (that I am aware of, at least), from rigid sails, to hull design, to wings of various sizes and shapes:


One particular detail of the Airseas "Seawing" idea (basically a kite/parasail off the front of the ship) caught my fancy, and that's the device mounted on the parasail that causes it to constantly adjust outside of its "comfort zone" and be in a constant state of correction. Apparently the parasail is most efficient when returning to equilibrium, so the automated control systems always keep it slightly out of balance, to increase the amount of time it is operating at maximum efficiency!

What a weird world.

But I LOVE a future where ALL power systems everywhere are multi-modal, and derive their energy from multiple sources. That's a future full of innovation and good jobs.