I am no homeowner, but a few in my circle have recently become some. Those ten months may be how long it takes to find the house. It never hurts to idly look or get e-mail updates. That seems to be the way (realtor or not) friends and family happen upon their latest permanent addresses. My brother has been on the house hunt for around a year, and during that time has found an SO who’s been on the hunt just as long. Funny enough, they’ve toured the same houses/looking for the same characteristics before becoming an item. Puts them both in an interesting spot since they seem to be a good fit for the long haul... but now the matter of moving forward with both of their personal goals (of homeownership) needs re-adjusting in the frame of a life together. No doubt others here will have more to add, with more life experience to boot. Maybe or maybe not this pub, but I’m interested to see where it goes! Excited for you.