I went to the store yesterday pretending I knew nothing about my house, just a vague estimate of electrical bill. That was enough for the seller to recommend me something that wasn't far off from what I'd pick with full knowledge. Of course he went for the pricier model with features I'd probably never use, but by that point you get a benchmark to look around for and an idea which might fit or not. Some questioning later (which is better for cotton/poliester? which uses less water?), he presented the one I'd pick. Is it fair? Like, can most people be expected to know if they need a washing machine with a dedicated setting for washing things made with down/fluff or not? What's the minimum, 'cause I can go and repeat, if only to go away from N=1 stigma. Sorry if it seemed like I'm shutting the lid on the discussion, but for me it's another entry on the "when will I use it in life" argument list. Now you've got the ball.